
How to link to a PDF file in Qt Assistant?

I use Qt Assistant as a help viewer and I have an internal link to a PDF file that is embed开发者_JS百科ded into the compiled archive format. When I click on that link, nothing happens. How can I link to a PDF file that is embedded, click on the link and have an external application opened? I use Qt Assistant 4.7.3.

Short of bundling a program like Okular into your application release and launching it as an external process there isn't a native way of arriving at your solution. More options are discussed here as well, to sum it up it's either externally or converting the PDF to a QPixmap.

I don't think that this can work. To display a pdf file you need Acrobat or a similar (external) program, and this program needs a file to read. Why don't you store the pdf files outside the help file?





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