
.Net Android.Browser files

Can anyone tell me where I can find a list of Browser capabilities for the Android platform? I need to construct a .Browser file for it as part of my ASP.Net MVC3 project.

Some links would be much appreciated.

Thanks Gineer

Update: I've looked at both 51degrees.mobi and WURFL. These seem overkill for my requirements. Additionally company policie prohibits the use of Open Source software. I know WURFL have a commercial license available, but then the costs become prohibitive for our requiremen开发者_JS百科ts.

You should really use the 51 Degrees.Mobi dll's <-- Link to Nuget Package

It is based on the WURFL database and will provide you with the best available list of browser capabilities.

Or you could just use the WURFL .Net API directly.


I wouldn't consider using WURFL overkill for your needs. There are hundreds of different Android devices with dozens being added every couple of months. Google is activating 500,000+ Android devices EVERY DAY!

Even if you build the browser file yourself, it will be obsolete in a few months.

Tell your employer that it will take you less time to use the aforementioned components than it did to write this question on SO.

If you just need to know if it's an Android device or not and not which specific device. This is effective enough:

  <gateway id="Android" parentID="Safari">
      <userAgent match="Android" />

      <capability name="mobileDeviceModel"               value="Android" />
      <capability name="isMobileDevice"                  value="true" />




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