
Get complete Envers revisions where a particular object is affected

The way revision data is stored each object affected by a revision gets a separate record in the _AUD table. So when I search for revisions affecting object A, I will get back the entry where revision is 3 for object B, but if objects A and/or C were also changed in revision 3, those entries aren't returned, giving the impression that B was the only object modified in that revision. What I'm trying to do is for each revision affecting object B, return all objects affected by that revision.

something_AUD     desired     actual

id|REV            id|REV      id|REV
-------------     -------     ------
A|1               B|2         B|2
B|2               B|3         B|3
B|3               C|3

I've been trying to do this by running an initial query to find the relevant revisions:

AuditQuery query = AuditReaderFactory.get(entity.em()).createQuery()
.forRevisionsOfEntity(type, false, true)

and then running the following query for each result:

int rev_id = ((RevisionData) data[1]).getId();
AuditQuery q = AuditReaderFactory.get(JPA.em()).createQuery()
.forRevisionsOfEntity(type, false, true)
List开发者_C百科<Object[]> real_data = q.getResultList();

but this is resulting in a QuerySyntaxException:

Duplicate definition of alias 'r' [select e, r, r from models.AgentShift_AUD e, models.RevisionData r, models.RevisionData r where e.originalId.REV.id in (:_p0) and e.originalId.REV.id = r.id and e.originalId.REV.id in (:_p1) and e.originalId.REV.id = r.id order by e.originalId.REV.id asc, e.originalId.REV.id asc]

I've tried several variations of this which have all led to the same "Duplicate definition of alias 'r'". Is there anything else I can try?

This is what I've come up with so far. It not the cleanest solution but it works:

AuditReader reader = AuditReaderFactory.get(entity.em());
AuditQuery query = reader.createQuery()
.forRevisionsOfEntity(type, false, true)

List<Object[]> raw_results = query.getResultList();
List<Object[]> complete_results = new ArrayList<Object[]>(raw_results.size());

for (Object[] data : raw_results) {
    int rev_id = ((RevisionData) data[1]).getId();
    AuditQuery q = reader.createQuery()
    .forRevisionsOfEntity(type, false, true)
    List<Object[]> real_data = q.getResultList();

Hopefully someone will come up with a better way, especially one that can do it in a single query.





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