
Cannot apply some font as custom font on xcode 4.2 for develop iOS 5 application

Since I installed Xcode 4.2 in order to test iOS 5. I got the following warning after compile the project.

"Using the font Arial - Black in version of Xcode prior to 4.2 may have unexpected results."

开发者_开发知识库And also I could not change the font because it will be crashed when I press the font menu.

Any suggestion?


In IB, click on the File Inspector (first icon in the Utility View) and under "Document Version" change the Development value to 4.2 (or greater).

I had same problem, but I changed the Font of the control from interface builder to "system". Then I programmatically set the font, I wanted to display, using setFont method. Its working fine for me. I hope it should work for you too.

I had the same problem, but with MyriadPro-Bold. In Interface Builder, I selected the font and chose "System" like iHS said, and then the font was back to the way it looked in previous versions of XCode

Add the .otf file. Then the font will show.





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