Powershell < symbol in property name
I am processing a csv file in powershell which looks like this:
I am using Import-Csv
to process the file and I want to find return <DTYYYYYMMDD>
values greater than 20110101. I tried this:
foreach($file in ls $PriceFolder\*.txt) {Import-Csv $file | Where-Object {$_.<DTYYYYMMDD> -ge 20110101}}
but I get this error
Missing property name after reference operator.
I presume it's because of the < symbol? How can I solve this?
1) Use {} to enclose not standard field names (or store them in a variable and refer as $_.$var); 2) Cast the value to [int] in order to avoid issues (data are read as strings from .csv; in this example this is not a problem perhaps but..)
This works:
Import-Csv test.csv | Where-Object {[int]$_.{<DTYYYYMMDD>} -ge 20010102}
You can quote the property name:
Just as a comment on MrKWatkins' answer, in one case single quotes work but double quotes don't work (in version 2.0 at least):
Single Quote:
(dir | Select-Object {$_.Name})[0].'$_.Name' # GOOD: correctly gives name
Double Quote:
(dir | Select-Object {$_.Name})[0]."$_.Name" # BAD: returns nothing
Edit: Double Quotes allow variable expansion whereas single quotes do not. For more details see this answer.