
Spring ACL Voters configuration

So I have tried to implement a simple ACL example in my project and everythi开发者_JAVA百科ng works as it should. I have the following configuration:

<property name="decisionVoters">


        <ref bean="categoryReadVoter"/>



<constructor-arg ref="mutableAclService"/>

<constructor-arg value="VOTE_CATEGORY_READ"/>



        <util:constant static-field="org.springframework.security.acls.domain.Ba sePermission.READ"/>



<property name="processDomainObjectClass" value="packet.Group"/>

Now, I have about 30 Entities in my project and I want to define at least 4 roles for each (create, read, write, administrate). Do I have to define a bean for each entity-role pair? Is there a simpler way to do this? Do I always have to set a specific class for a voter using ?

New features and new Entities and roles are also to be expected in this project. Do I have to configure each new Entity and role in my config file or is there a more general way to do this. Could you please point me to some examples or docu?

I am currently using Spring Security 3.1.


P.S. I have already posted my questions in the Spring Security Forum but thought I'd give this a try as well

So I have found the answer. You can use a interface instead of an entity and let the entity implement the interface.





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