
Nt* api headers for user mode app

I'm looking for header files for C/C++ which will contain ntdll.dll function definitions. I know开发者_如何学Python those apis are for internal use and undocumented. There is such thing for pascal, I can't beleive there is no for C/C++, though I couldn't find any.


It should not be too hard to convert the ones for Pascal back to C. With a compiler like Embarcadero's C++Builder, you could have it done by the Delphi compiler that comes with it. Just ask someone with C++Builder to add the .pas file to a C++ project and a .hpp file will be generated, which is simply a .h file with a few extra settings for the use with Delphi and C++Builder. Remove the C++Builder specific parts, if any, and you're set.

FWIW, I have C++Builder. Where can one get the Pascal file?

Some of them are (for legal reasons I would assume) documented, but carry the following disclaimer:

"... may be altered or unavailable in future versions of Windows. Applications should use the alternate functions listed in this topic.".

For Example NtQuerySystemInformation.

Headers, although I'm not sure how complete, are included in the Windows Driver Kit.





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