
Delphi Web Development - using TWinControl to draw objects

I want to develop a Web application in Delphi using VCL. I tried UniGUI, but it does not seem to work. Well, it works, but quite not how I wanted. Let me explain.

My problem is that I do want a library whose visual controls expose Handle to them. UniGUI does that, but it's not working correctly - for example, the main form has a Handle set to 0, but a TUniPanel has a different handle and w开发者_如何学JAVAhat's more - it's always the same, even if I run the app in another window or tab.

I want to have a control which exposes its Handle correctly, because I need it for the purposes of the application I want to develop.

Do you know any other VCL library which allows me to do that? I tried Intraweb, but it does not seem to solve my problem either.

The only way I know that a web browser could host VCL code would be through an ActiveX. I wouldn't really advise you to take that approach.





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