dropdownlist binding
I was trying to bring all the database names in a dropdownlist.. Here is my code ..
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
private void populateddl()
using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("exec sp_databases", conn))
using(DataSet ds = new DataSet())
DropDownList8.DataSource = ds;
em not able to get the names in the dropdownlist, pls help me in this scenario.. when run the application what em gett开发者_运维知识库ing is.. system.data.datarowview as items of dropdownlist instead of this i should get names of databases Looking forward for ur replys
Thanks & Regards,
aslo specify the column name of the Datasource to be displayed
DropDownList8.DataTextField ="DataFieldName"