
use selector to call function

Why does the following code not work?

[Confirm addTarget:self 
            action:@selector([Func开发者_JAVA百科tionsApp Synch_Data:CompIDS]) 


FunctionsApp: its other class

Synch_Data:its function in FunctionsApp

CompIDS: its MSmutableArray

FunctionsApp *functions = [[FunctionsApp alloc] init];//of course u need to use your own init method
[Confirm addTarget:functions action:@selector(Synch_Data) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

the selector u pass is just the name of the method this is passed to the target who in turn checks if it exists and then calls it. u cant use a mutable array as a selector. since confirm is a button u should use a method with signature - (void)buttonClicked:(id)sender where sender will be the button. and also since the selector is not a class-method you do not call it like this [FunctionsApp buttonClicked:] but instead you use the FunctionsApp object reference as target ( i.e. where the method exists as target). and please elaborate your question next time and be a bit more concrete in what things are.

Let's take this one thing at a time.

1. -[UIControl addTarget:action:forControlEvents:] has specific requirements to what the action selector can look like.

It can be one of the following:

- (void)action;
- (void)action:(id)sender;
- (void)action:(id)sender forEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

Normally you'd use the second one.

2. @selector takes the name of the method (selector) you'd like to have called on the target. You're specifying the return value of a method call. That's the error, you're seeing.

So to call Sync_Data: (which in objective-c would be syncData:) on FunctionsApp you'd write

[Confirm addTarget:FunctionsApp action:@selector(Synch_Data:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

You still can't pass the CompIDS variable as a parameter, though, so I'd suggest rewriting your code, to make it an instance variable, that your action method can access.





验证码 换一张
取 消

