External Component has thrown an exception: Visual Studio 2010: SEHException: what causes it? [closed]
I got this error message (External Component has thrown an exception) when debugging a project. It started all of a sudden yesterday afternoon.
Can anyone help?
I applied the advice in http://forums.asp.net/t/1704958.aspx/7/10?Re+SEHException+thrown+when+I+run+the+application (i.e. uninstall Trusteer Rapport) and now it's OK.
I had the same problem as Peter, and couldn't work out what on earth was the matter until I checked http://forums.asp.net/p/1704958/4537086.aspx/1?Re+SEHException+thrown+when+I+run+the+application. Trusteer have now released an update ( download it from the link above) and this seems to have fixed the problem.