PHP: Multidimensional array
I have an array that looks like this:
Array ( [today] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [hour] => 08/03/11 00:00)
[1] => Array ( [hour] => 08/03/11 11:00)
[n] => Array ( [hour] => 0xxxxxxxxx)
[yesterday] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [hour] => 08/02/11 00:00)
[1] => Array ( [hour] => 08/02/11 11:00)
[n] => Array ( [hour] => 0xxxxxxxxx)
And so on, with many hours for today, and many for yesterday.
Now, I'm a bit lost on how to get the same hour for today and yesterday inside a foreach. For example, I have:
foreach ($Array as $key => $data) {
//display today's hour
//display yesterday's hour value
How can I get the values for all of them, line by line?
you have to nest Forech
$array = array(
0 => Array ( 'hour' => '08/03/11 00:00'),
1 => Array ( 'hour' => '08/03/11 11:00'),
'n' => Array ( 'hour' => '0xxxxxxxxx')
0 => Array ( 'hour' => '08/03/11 00:00'),
1 => Array ( 'hour' => '08/03/11 11:00'),
'n' => Array ( 'hour' => '0xxxxxxxxx')
SO with that array above
foreach($array as $key => $arr){
foreach($arr as $a_key => $a_arr){
foreach($a_arr $b_key => $b_str){
That will product 6 single lines of the value of hour for each one
How ever i think you have got a daft array setup there its just wasting memory for the fun of it,
It should be - holds the same data without a 2nd depth to your array
$array = array(
0 => '08/03/11 00:00',
1 => '08/03/11 11:00',
'n' => '0xxxxxxxxx'
0 => '08/03/11 00:00',
1 => '08/03/11 11:00',
'n' => '0xxxxxxxxx'
What a strange array. Try this:
foreach ($Array as $key => $data) {
foreach($data as $v){
echo $key."'s hour: ".$v[hour];
if count(array[today]) == count(array[yesterday]) then may be this helps:
for ($i=0,$cnt=count(array['today']); $i<$cnt; $i++)
echo $Array['today'][$i]['hour'] . ' : ' $Array['yesterday'][$i]['hour']
foreach($array['today'] as $k=>$v){
//use $v
//use $array['yesterday'][$key]
print 'today'.$v['hour'].'; yesterday '.$array['yesterday'][$k]['hour'].EOLN;