
Reading from custom configuration section not working in .NET

I'm trying to read in values from a custom configuration section in a .NET 4.0 app. However, when inspecting the values they always display the defaults and not the custom values as I would expect.

Here's my class:

using System;
using System.Configuration;

namespace TestNamespace
    public class TestSection : ConfigurationSection
        [ConfigurationProperty("applicationAccessID", IsRequired = true)]
        public string ApplicationAccessID { get; set; }

        [ConfigurationProperty("username", IsRequired = true)]
        public Guid Username { get; set; }

        [ConfigurationProperty("password", IsRequired = true)]
        public Guid Password { get; set; }

I've added the following items to the config file:

    <sectionGroup name="myCustomConfiguration">
      <section name="testSection" type="TestNamespace.TestSection,MyAssembly"/>
    <myAuthenticationSection applicationAccessID="1" username="9A36EC78-76B0-477B-9E36-613C13AE86BB" password="589A8696-2B9B-4ADD-906E-7245D387B594" />

This line returns an instance of TestSection, but it's not reading the custom values from the config:


Any advice?

EDIT: Here is my updated config file after removing groups:

    <section name="testSection" type="TestNamespace.TestSection,MyAssembly"/>
  <myAuthenticationSection applicationAccessID="1" username="9A36EC78-76B0-477B-9E36-613C13AE86BB" password="589A8696-2B9B-4ADD-906E-7245D387B594" />

Same issue...

You're using groups, so you need to implement a group handler too:

public class MySettingsConfigurationGroup : ConfigurationSectionGroup

There is lot more to it, take a look here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/dotnet/mysteriesofconfiguration.aspx


public class TestSection : ConfigurationSection
    private static TestSection _testSection 
      = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("TestSection") as TestSection;

    public static TestSection Settings
        return _testSection;

    [ConfigurationProperty("applicationAccessID", IsRequired = true)]
    public string ApplicationAccessID { get; set; }

    [ConfigurationProperty("username", IsRequired = true)]
    public Guid Username { get; set; }

    [ConfigurationProperty("password", IsRequired = true)]
    public Guid Password { get; set; }


string id = TestSection.Settings.applicationAccessID;

Also, the name needs to match:

<testSection applicationAccessID="1" username="9A36EC78-76B0-477B-9E36-613C13AE86BB" password="589A8696-2B9B-4ADD-906E-7245D387B594" />

I don't know if this question is still valid, but anyway.

When dealing with ConfigurationElements you need to address the issue that a configuration element is a collection of values, so you're NOT reading the values.

I'd replace for something like this:

[ConfigurationProperty("applicationAccessID", IsRequired = true)] 
public string ApplicationAccessID 
   get { return (string)this["applicationAccessID"]; } 
   set { this["applicationAccessID"] = value; }

[ConfigurationProperty("username", IsRequired = true)] 
public Guid Username
   get { return (Guid)this["username"]; } 
   set { this["username"] = value; }

[ConfigurationProperty("password", IsRequired = true)] 
public Guid Password 
   get { return (Guid)this["password"]; } 
   set { this["password"] = value; }




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取 消

