C# stringbuilder + conversion
What I have going on is this:
1) Reading a directory of files 2) Writing out to a text file the filenames + "|" 3) Where i'm stuck.....I have a bunch of files named... and need to be converted corispondingly: Apple0154~3.Txt convertedTO -> Apple0156.txt
Apple0136~31.txt convertedTO -> Apple0166.txtThe prefix is always apple so it kinda goes like:
Apple (always the same prefix). The numbers match is # + ~ subnumber -1 always in in .txtI'm sure this is confusing i'm using this code but i cant figured out how to get this resulting textfile:
Apple0154~3.Txt|Apple0156.txt Apple0136~31.txt|Apple0166.txt{
string resultingfile = ***This is what i dont know***
string moved开发者_开发知识库redfolder = (overlordfolder + "\\redactions\\");
DirectoryInfo movedredinfo = new DirectoryInfo(movedredfolder);
using (StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(movedredfolder, "Master.txt")))
foreach (FileInfo fi in movedredfolder)
Ok, I see what you are trying to do.
Try using Regular expressions to grab the 2 numbers out of the original file name. Something like:
Regex r = new Regex(@"Apple(\d+)~(\d+)\.txt");
Match mat = r.Match(filename);
if( !mat.Success )
// Something bad happened...
int one = int.Parse(mat.Groups[1].Value);
int two = int.Parse(mat.Groups[2].Value);
int num = one + (two-1);
string newFilename = "Apple"+num.ToString("0000")+".txt";
Inside the foreach loop:
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(fi);
string[] parts = fileName.Split('~', '.');
int basenum = int.Parse(parts[0].Substring(6));
int offset = int.Parse(parts[1]);
string resultingfile = string.Format("Apple{0:0000}.txt", basenum+offset-1);
euh something like:
string path = Path.GetFileName(fi);
int indexOfTilde = path.IndexOf('~');
int indexOfPoint = path.LastIndexOf('.');
int length = indexOfPoint -indexOfTilde;
string tmp = path.SubString(indexOfTilde+1, length);
int numberToIncrease = Convert.ToInt32(tmp) - 1;
int baseNumber = Convert.ToInt32(path.SubString(5, indexOfTilde-4);
string newPath = "Apple" + (baseNumber + numberToIncrease ) + ".txt";
and you can use the FileInfo.MoveTo for file movement :) good luck!
edit: damn... too slow typing of me...
Ok, this should work for one file:
String filename = "Apple0154~3.Txt";
Regex re = new Regex(@"Apple(?<num>\d+)\~(?<add>\d+)");
Int32 num = Int32.Parse(re.Match(filename).Groups["num"].Value);
Int32 add = Int32.Parse(re.Match(filename).Groups["add"].Value);
Int32 rez = num + (add - 1);
MessageBox.Show("Apple" + rez + ".txt");
using (var output = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(movedredfolder, "Master.txt")))
foreach (var filePath in Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath))
var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
var index = fileName.IndexOf('~');
var firstNumber = Int32.Parse(fileName.Substring(5, index - 1));
var secondNumber = Int32.Parse(fileName.Substring(index + 1)) - 1;
output.Write("Apple0" +
(firstNumber + secondNumber).ToString() +
fileExtension + "|"