repeat a Mouse Over event
Hi I have an actionscript that moves a box across the stage when the mouse is over a left or right arrow shaped button . The script below does just that. BUT what I want to do is have the box repeatedly move until the mouse is moved off the arrow button . I have tried all ways can anybody please point me in the right direction .I have removed a lot of the code but hope this is enough to get my point across. Thanks Mick
right_arrow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.mouseOver, moveR) ;
left_arrow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.mouseOver,开发者_如何学JAVA moveL) ;
function moveL(e:MouseEvent) {
box_image.x = box_image.x - 5 ;
you could use the setInterval Method:
right_arrow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.mouseOver, handleMouseOver) ;
right_arrow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.mouseOut, handleMouseOut) ;
function handleMouseOver( event:MouseEvent):void {
setTimeout( moveBoxR, 500 ); //every 500ms
function handleMouseOut( event:MouseEvent):void {
clearTimeout( moveBoxR );
function moveBoxR() {
box_image.x -= 5 ;
or the ENTER_FRAME Event
right_arrow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.mouseOver, handleMouseOver) ;
right_arrow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.mouseOut, handleMouseOut) ;
function handleMouseOver( event:MouseEvent):void {
addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBoxR )
function handleMouseOut( event:MouseEvent):void {
removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBoxR )
function moveBoxR(event:Event) {
box_image.x -= 5 ;
Just a suggestion, don't know how smooth it will be though:
- set a flag to indicate the mouse over
- implement an on frame handler which checks the flag and if set moves the box
- on mouse out, reset the flag