how to implement blackberry messenger 6 sdk with blackberry eclipse?
Im using BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse v1.3 MR and i downloaded blackberry messenger here http://us.blackbe开发者_JS百科
how to implement this sdk with my eclipse or give me some ideas about how to implement blackberry messenger in my blackberry application?
Here is the documentation link
- In Eclipse®, open the BlackBerry Application Development perspective.
- Click File > New > BlackBerry Project.
- In the New BlackBerry Project dialog box, in the Project Name field, type a name for your project.
- In the JRE section, make sure you select a BlackBerry® JRE™ that is version 6.0 or later, and click Finish.
- In the Package Explorer view, right-click the project and click Properties.
- In the Properties dialog box, in the left pane, click Java Build Path.
- Click the Libraries tab.
- Click the Add External JARs button.
- Navigate to the folder where you extracted the BBM SDK Beta file.
- In the BBM SDK folder, double-click net_rim_bb_qm_platform.jar.
- Click Next.
- In the properties window, click OK. When you are ready to build your project, on the Project menu, click BlackBerry > Package All.
This should do the work.