
how to rename existing menu item?

Do you know how to rename existing menu ?

I can rename when press menu item. But I don't know how to access to menu item开发者_如何学Python when press the button.

Please advice.

It would be good if you can clarify the question a little, but each time the user presses the Menu on their Android device while inside one of your activities, the onPrepareOptionsMenu method is called. The first time the menu is shown (i.e. only once), the onCreateOptionsMenu method is called.

Basically, the onPrepareOptionsMenu method is where you should make any changes such as enabling/disabling certain menu items, or changing the menu item text depending on the circumstances.

As an example:

public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

    // Check current message count
    boolean haveMessages = mMessageCount != 0;

    // Set 'delete' menu item state depending on count
    MenuItem deleteItem = menu.findItem(R.id.menu_delete);
    deleteItem.setTitle(haveMessages ? R.string.delete : R.string.no_messages);

    return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);

Use MenuItem.setTitle(). If this isn't what you needed, you have to be more specific.

The onPrepareOptionsMenu is the proper place to make changes to menuitems.





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取 消

