
Flex: Converting XML to ArrayCollection with more than one node

I have an XML file I'm reading in where a branch of the tree looks like this:

    <data id="Shallow" label="Show Shallow Imagery (1 m)">
      <layer name="Bathymetry" url="OtherImagery" type="Dynamic" legendurl="">
      <layer name="Backscatter" url="OtherImagery" type="Dynamic" legendurl="">
      <layer name="PCA" url="BUIS_Imagery" type="Dynamic" legendurl="">

The user selects the layer using a radiobutton and in the click event, I pass layer.(@name==e.target.label).visiblelayers to a function that converts XML to an ArrayCollection.

 private function convertXMLtoArrayCollection(file:XMLList):ArrayCollection{
    var xml:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument(file);
    var decoder:SimpleXMLDecoder = new SimpleXMLDecoder;
    var data:Object = decoder.decodeXML((xml));
    var array:Array = ArrayUtil.toArray(data);

    return new ArrayCollection(array);

For the "Backscatter" layer with only one visiblelayers node, I get the expected ArrayCollection returned.

Flex: Converting XML to ArrayCollection with more than one node

But the other two layers returns an ArrayCollection with the visibleLayers node added in.

Flex: Converting XML to ArrayCollection with more than one node

Why isn't it returning an ArrayCollection like this?

Flex: Converting XML to ArrayCollection with more than one node

I ended up using the following function to return an ArrayCollection that was suitable for my code:

private function convertXMLtoArrayCollection1(file:XMLList):ArrayCollection
    var arrcol:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;

    for each (var value:* in file)

    return arrcol;

For Converting XML to ArrayCollection or Array in ActionScript Example please visit the following link there explain with example.

Converting XML to ArrayCollection or Array in ActionScript Example





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