
Programmably created tinyxml xml file not loading in Internet Explorer

All of the examples I followed for tinyxml resulted in xml files that I was able to view in Internet Explorer.

However, when I programmably created mine, nothing showed in IE. I can confirm however that the xml file has everything I expect it to have.

Here is the code to create the xml:

bool InputIO::saveDevice( const std::string & fileName, const InputDevice& device ) const

        TiXmlDocument doc;
        TiXmlDeclaration* decl = new TiXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "", "" );  
        doc.LinkEndChild( decl );  
        TiXmlElement* root = new TiXmlElement("Input Devices");
        TiXmlElement* dev = new TiXmlElement("Device");
        for(int p = 0; p < 2; ++p)
            for(int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; ++i)
                //Primary configuration when p is 0
                InputKey key = device.getKey(InputEvent::Uniform_inputEnum(i),p == 0);

                TiXmlElement* button = new TiXmlElement("button");
                button->SetAttribute("input type",key.inputType);
                button->SetAttribute("key code",key.keyCode);
                button->SetAttribute("joy axis",key.axis);
                button->SetAttribute("joy button",key.button);
                button->SetAttribute("joy stick",key.stick);

                    button->SetAttribute("axis direction","positive");
                    button->SetAttribute("axis direction","negative");

        return true;

And here is the resulting xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Input Devices>
    <Device number="1">
        <button configuration="0" number="0" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="1" input type="1" key code="216" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button c开发者_开发问答onfiguration="0" number="2" input type="1" key code="84" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="3" input type="1" key code="85" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="4" input type="1" key code="82" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="5" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="6" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="7" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="8" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="9" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="10" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="11" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="12" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="13" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="14" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="15" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="16" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="17" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="18" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="19" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="0" number="20" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="0" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="1" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="2" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="3" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="4" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="5" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="6" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="7" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="8" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="9" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="10" input type="1" key code="83" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="11" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="12" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="13" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="14" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="15" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="16" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="17" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="18" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="19" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
        <button configuration="1" number="20" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
</Input Devices>

The W3 XML Validator program tells us this about your XML:

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed 
Location: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_validator.asp 
Line Number 2, Column 15: <Input Devices>

At the end, you terminate Input Devices, but the space is what is wrong. After that, you have more problems with your XML. See here for how to make your XML well-formed.





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