
How can I most easily determine whether a property is a dependency property?

I recently had an issue with databinding to the Visib开发者_开发百科ility property of a DataGridTextColumn. The confusion arose because this property is a dependecy property in WPF but not in Silverlight.

I don't think that the MSDN documentation makes this very clear. The following is the only related text for WPF.

"For information about what can influence the value, see DependencyProperty."


Dependency properties have a corresponding static field on the class they are defined in. Have a look at the fields section of the DataGridTextColumn class.

In most cases you can detect whether a property Foo is a DP by checking if there is a static field named FooProperty of type DependencyProperty. However, this is only a convention. There is no guarantee that all dependency properties will follow this pattern.

Already answered, I know. IE. The "Text" property in a "TextBlock" is a dependency property you can tell because Intellisense shows the static filed like this:


Here's an extension method that evaluates a property's value and also returns the corresponding DependencyProperty:

    public static bool TryEvaluateProperty(this FrameworkElement fe, string property, out object value, out DependencyProperty dp)
        value = default;
        dp = default;

        var feType = fe.GetType();
        var propertyInfo = feType.GetProperty(property, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.GetProperty);

        if (propertyInfo == null) return false;

        value = propertyInfo.GetValue(fe);

        var dpName = property + "Property"; //ASSUMPTION: Definition uses DependencyProperty naming convention

        while (feType != null)
            var dpField = feType.GetField(dpName, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);

            if (dpField != null)
                dp = dpField.GetValue(null) as DependencyProperty; //use obj==null for static field

            feType = feType.BaseType;

        return true;




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