Preloading 20MB+ of images. Is it worth it to attempt this? [closed]
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Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this questionI'm developing a photography portfolio website. I want to know what would the best practice be for downloading images from a database. As of right now the entire gallery is roughly 20MB. The gallery is still in development, I intended on just having an "loading" graphic run between photos. But the client seems to prefer image preloading. Is it practical to have the page preload 20MB+ of photos, and if so, what is the best way to do so? Or would it be best to go with the loading screen?
20MB to fetch in one go is too much, it will result in a slow and annoying user experience. You should probably ajax-load each image in turn.
Incidently, how big are your images? An 800 x 600 jpeg should be around 50k at 90 - 95% quality. So 20 MB would be 400 images. This seems like a lot for one page. I'm guessing your image sizes are large - consider reducing them. If you want to have hi-res, non-compressed versions available, have these individually linked.
Edit: Just for reference, what I would consider a very large page (the html doc + all css, js and image assets) would be ~ 1MB. An "average" sized page is probably ~ 100k.
Why not "thumbnailing" images via some server side script, preload thumbnails & display full image on thumbnail click (using some kind of lightbox js) This would reduce a lot preloading time while keeping full porfolio preview.
I think the better way is to preload the next couple of photos while you are viewing the current one
Yeah, definitely don't do this. Rememebr that some users will be connecting with mobile connections and some of them paying by the megabyte - if you do this then you've just used up 20 MB of their allowance with images that they may never see.
I don't think either solution is practical - I would suggest you scale down your images.
20MB is probably too much unless it is a specialized application where you are confident that 1) users will wait and 2) that they will view the majority of those images. Otherwise, you are wasting bandwidth.
I would look at a strategy where your images are cached in server memory to avoid database traffic combined with client-side pre-caching of a few images where you can add it. For example, if the user is on image "A", load "B" and "C" as well.