
Source code as objects in C# [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.

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Is there any way to represent class's source code as objects? I'd like to navigate through methods, theirs body etc. How tools like stylecop, ReSharper do it in Visual Studio 2010? Are there any external libraries which take as input source code file and produce representation of objects? Which i could read, modify or analyze?

As for already compiled assembly. Reflection can give you most info about object structure. But to get real code, you need to get down to IL.

As for code, that is open in Visual Studio, then VS exposes COM interface, that many of those plugins use. EnvDTE is managed wrapper around this interface. But documentation is scarce.

NRefactory will do this for you:


Edit: This is a "parser" which is what you want. It converts C# code into an abstract syntax tree which can then be modified with code and translated back to C#.

If you'd like just to list method, class, property names, then Reflection is a good simple solution - e.g. see simple tutorial like http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/CSharp/0400__Reflection/ListMethods.htm

If you want more detailed analysis, including method bodies, then it might be a good idea to start from the source code from one or more of the Reflector replacements - e.g.

  • ILSpy - http://wiki.sharpdevelop.net/ILSpy.ashx
  • smooth reflector http://blog.smoothfriction.nl/archive/2011/02/07/building-your-own-reflector-with-mono-cecil-and-the-codedom.aspx
  • list here - Open Source Alternatives to Reflector?




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