simple xml how to read node without a namespace?
I have an xml string in php that I want to put into an array. How do I get ttt:tree and ttt:car using simple xml?
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="htp://"xmlns:xsi="htp://"xmlns:xsd="htp://">
<a xmlns="">
<b xmlns:ttt="">
$simpleXML = new SimpleXMLElement($x);
//the hard way
->children('') as $nodename => $nodevalue){
echo $nodename.':'.$nodevalue.PHP_EOL;
//or direct:
echo $simpleXML->children('soap',true)
//the less hard way
$trees = $simpleXML->xpath('//wantthisone:tree');
echo $trees[0];
$cars = $simpleXML->xpath('//wantthisone:car');
echo $cars[0];