Dojo xhrGet return empty data
i´m newbie in dojo and have a problem with xhrGet, it return empty response data.
function test1(){
// Using dojo.xhrGet, as very little information is being sent
// The URL of the request
url: '',
// The success callback with result from server
load: test2,
// The error handler
error: function(errorMessage) {
// Do nothing -- keep old content there
alert("Error Message: " + errorMessage);
function test2(result, ioArgs){
dojo.byId("tContent").innerHTML += result;
i debuged this code and result is empty always. can anyone say me, wha开发者_开发技巧t i doing wrong?
thanks in advance
I'm guessing this is because your site is at, but you are trying to fetch data from This doesn't work because of the same origin policy in your browser (you cannot request a page from a different domain). Try replacing the dojotoolkit url with something from your own domain.