
C# generic class accepting a inherited type.

**Preface I'm very new to generics. I have a class I created called Geno. My Peno class simply contains a string Name p开发者_如何学Goroperty. I'm wondering why I cannot call T.Name from within a method on this class. How would I access the properties on T? Any good resources on how this works?

public class Geno<T> where T : Peno


public string GetName()
   return T.Name;

Is your Name property an instance property or a static property? If it's a static property, you don't get polymorphism anyway - you could just call Peno.Name.

If it's an instance property, you need an instance on which to call it. For example:

public class Geno<T> where T : Peno
    private readonly T value;

    public Geno(T value)
        this.value = value;

    public string GetName()
       return value.Name;

If this doesn't help, please give a more complete example of what you're trying to do.

T is the type Peno. So what you try to do is Peno.Name, which is probably not what you want. Something like this would work:

public string GetName(T t)
    return t.Name;

Static properties does not support inheritence. Hence you can just call Peno.Name rather than going for T.

If in your case you want to access a normal property, you need to create an instance of T which will let you call its property Name.

T is a Generic Type Parameter, not a parameter being passed into the class that is using T.

A Good example of this is List<T> you say this is a List, which means you are creating a list that contains object of the type of String.





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