
What is the word that means "directory" or "file"?

I'm trying to name an开发者_Go百科 object that can be a file or a directory. What's the correct terminology for this?

I've considered

handle -> rejected, object is not a handle

address -> rejected, object is not an address

object -> rejected, too generic, should be better terminology

When I say "object" in my first sentence, I'm specifically talking about a <div> in an HTML DOM, but it could be anything.

To put my question a different way, what's the parent word of the children "file" and "directory"? e.g. a foo can be a file, or a directory.

I've heard the phrase "file system object", although it's painful to say :)

In Unix we call any file and directory an inode, since a file is not many different from a directory in binary representation.

So just for reference Java has a File class that can be a directory or a standard file. Basically treating a directory as a special case of a file. java.io.File class

Also, you could go old school and just name it AbstractFile.

In Unix, everything -- both a directory and a file -- is a file.





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