iphone posting link to facebook wall - image
I am posting a link to my fb account via fbgraph API. The thing is that when I post the link to fb, an icon is appearing on left side of that link i.e, for example if I post www.google.com ,then the google image is appearing in left side o开发者_高级运维f the link.
how to change that default icon to my desired icon ? (or) what is the default image location it is taking from the site.
Any idea ?Thanks
You can set in facebook for your app.
It is your app icon.
For example mine is a giant wale ;-)
To add a picture to your post just add the parameter @"picture" and fillin the url to the picture you want to see.
NSMutableDictionary* params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"myFacebookAppId", @"app_id",
@"http://www.homepage.com", @"link",
@"http//www.homepage.com/sillypicture.png", @"picture",
@"name of the post", @"name",
@"caption of my post", @"caption",
@"content of my post", @"description",
@"my message", @"message",
[[[myAppDelegate sharedDelegate] facebook] dialog:@"feed" andParams:params andDelegate:self];