
'0' is null or not an object

I just switched from jquery mobile alpha 2 to jquery mobile beta 1.0. I am using CDN access for the jquery javascript files and the css. I am getting some data from the server a开发者_StackOverflownd displaying it in the list format. I am building list dynamically in the javasript file.

I was using


$('#detail ul').listview();

to refresh my list after building it.

It was working well with alpha version of jquery mobile but now without changing a single line of code I am trying to run it using jquery mobile beta and it is breaking with the following error:

Webpage error details

Message: '0' is null or not an object

Line: 133

Char: 183

Code: 0

URI: http://user.mydomain.com/scripts/jquery.mobile-1.0b1.min.js

Am I doing something wrong or some issue with beta version of css file?


I am getting the data in json format (say result object)using ajax call and displaying it like this:

var html = "<ul id="contactDetails" data-role="listview" data-filter="false" data-inset="true">";

html += "<li data-icon='false'><Email:<a href=mailto:'"+  result.Data.email_address_1 + +"'>" + result.Data.email_address_1 + "</a></li>";

html += 'ul close tag'

$('div#page2 div#contentMain div#details ul#customerDetails').html(html)
$('div#page2 div#contentMain div#details ul').listview();

Althought I can see the data coming and displaying properly BUT without the style.

Hope this helps to understand the problem.


In your examples you are doing

$('div#page2 div#contentMain div#details ul#customerDetails').html(html)
$('div#page2 div#contentMain div#details ul').listview();

But ids are unique so there is no reason to use multiple id to define the hierarchy..

Just use

$('#details ul').listview();

Also make sure you fix your string concatenations .. and that result.Data contains what you think it does..

I checked this with Jquery Mobile forum and the following solution works for me.





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