GAE Python Pull Task Queue Example
I know the Pull Task Queue is still very new, but I've been looking at the documentation and I would love to start using it. I've added a pull task queue to my application in the queue.yaml file:
- name: pull-queue
mode: pull
- user_email: {MY EMAIL}
but when I try to call it from the REST api using this link:{PROJECT_NAME}/taskqueues/pull-queue/tasks
I get the following error:
error: {
errors: [
domain: "global"
reason: "required"
message: "Login Required"
locationType: "header"
location: "Authorization"
code: 401
message: "Login Required"
I imagine this is because I'm not authenticating with the REST api, but how do I do that? I can't find any documentation about authenticating with it.
Have you read the Pull Queue documentation? It links to a large number of client libraries, as well as command line tools that do the authentication for you.
I guess any google auth would work. ex. username/password or even oauth. You could take a look at the Contacts API for example
If your app is using High Replication Datastore (HRD), then your project name requires a prefix of 's~'; so if {PROJECT_NAME} is myproject, then you'd run the sample app using gtaskqueue --project_name=s~myproject