
Null Reference exception DNN Core 5.6.3

My site has been running fine for sometime now until recently I see in the event viewer a null reference exception in the DNN core:

D开发者_JAVA百科otNetNuke.Common.Globals.GetStatus() in

F:\Builds\Maintenance\WorkingDirectory\Library\Common\Globals.vb:line 1125 at DotNetNuke.Common.Initialize.InitializeApp(HttpApplication app) in F:\Builds\Maintenance\WorkingDirectory\Library\Common\Initialize.vb:line 138 at DotNetNuke.Common.Initialize.Init(HttpApplication app) in F:\Builds\Maintenance\WorkingDirectory\Library\Common\Initialize.vb:line 228 at DotNetNuke.Common.Global.Global_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

the line 1125 is:

_Status = UpgradeStatus.None

Which is a property of the Globals class and an Enum

Also when this happens it doesnt just do it once then sort its self it does it roughly every minute for an hour or so.

I made sure all dataprovider.instances are either in a using or a try catch finally or self closing(if the reader is not used)

Any suggestion most welcome, as I'm officially lost.


Similar to what ScottS mentioned, that line is setting a static enum value, so I don't see how a NullReferenceException could be thrown. Indeed, it could be a side-effect from something else.

That particular error is coming from Global.asax BeginRequest, which calls Initialize.Init(app). The only thing I can think of is to check your Http Modules. Both the RequestfilterModule and the UrlRewriteModule (which are default DNN http modules) also call Initialize.Init(app).

Perhaps check your web.config and IIS (particularly if you're running IIS 7) and make sure everything checks out?

had a look at the release.config and it have autoupdate=true set that to false and it hasnt been an issue since.





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