
Want to pass integer value to the another view

I am creating an iphone app in which i have some vale in integer in my oneviewcontroller and i want that integer value in my secondviewcontroller controller.

value will be random. I stored this integer value in id score

Nw I am using this code but,i cant get integer value.

CODE : passing integer value from one UIView to another UIview

Integer Value always becomes zero at the secondviewcontroller.

Any Help will be appreciated.



FirstView.h file

NSInteger myScore;  
id score;  
NSInteger totalscore;

.m file

NSInteger 开发者_如何转开发*cal = (myScore * 100)/400  ;

        totalscore = cal;
        score = totalscore;

SecondView.h file

 int scorevalue ;

SecondView.m file

FirstViewController *firstVC = [[FirstViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"FirstViewController" bundle:nil];
value = firstVC.Score;
NSLog(@"SCORE : %d" ,value );


If I need to store the int value 4 in FirstViewController,

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:4 forKey:@"integer"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];

I can get the get in the SecondViewController as,

int value = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"integer"]
NSLog(@"integer = %d", [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"integer"]);

Hope it will work perfectly.

A simply way is, store the value in the NSUserDefault and get the value of the integer from NSUserDefault in secondviewcontroller.

Since 'id' denotes objects (see ref) , but we require data type.

Instead of declaring it as id, declare it as int itself.

Something like,

int score;


NSInteger score;


Also add the property and synthesize it. In .h

@property(nonatomic,assign) NSInteger score;

In .m

@synthesize score;

In the first view controller, pass the value to the secondView by,

NSInteger *cal = (myScore * 100)/400  ;
totalscore = cal;
score = totalscore;
secondViewObj.score = score;

Take this in .h file in SecondViewController

int value;

Make below function in SecondViewController


Now In First view controller do like this:

ParentViewController *objSecond = [[ParentViewController] initwithNibName:@"parentView.xib" bundle:nil];

[objSecond setValue:15]; // Pass actual Value here
[self.navigationController pushViewController:objSecond animated:YES];
[objSecond release];

Now, In secondViewController viewWillAppear Method write this.

      myValue = value;

Please check spelling mistakes as I hand written this. Hope this help.

If you are not using navigationContoller then you can do something like this.

SecondViewControler *objSecond = [[SecondViewController] initwithNibName:@"secondview.xib" bundle:nil];
[objSecond setValue:15]; // Pass actual Value here
[objSecond viewWillAppear:YES];
[self.view addSubview:objSecond];
[objSecond release];




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