Reporting Services displays #Error if no rows to display.
I'm creating a rather simple report with Reporting Services and noticed that if my data source (which is XML / Web S开发者_开发技巧ervice) returns no rows, I get #Error text in the text cells that contain some formatting or aggregation logic. It displays one row + the totals row with all datasource cells empty except for the aforementioned calculated ones.
Any idea how I can get rid of these messages?
One thing you can do is set conditional visibility on the details row accessing the "Hidden" property.
=IIF(CountRows("DataSetName") = 0,true,false)
Another thing you can do is check the fields "IsMissing" property before setting it.
You need to do data validation within each of those cells to make sure something is not blank. It is erroring because it is trying to do a calculation on a blank value. Try:
=IIF(IsNothing(Fields!Item.Value),"",Do Calculations)