
queryover and transformusing loses the ability to lazy load

I want to try and introduce the DISTINCT keyword into SQL, basically I require the following SQL:-

SELECT distinct this_.Id          as y0_,
                this_.Name        as y1_,
                this_.Description as y2_,
                this_.UnitPrice   as y3_,
                this_.Director    as y4_
FROM   Product this_
       inner join ActorRole actor1_
         on this_.Id = actor1_.MovieId
WHERE  this_.ProductType = 'Movie'
       AND actor1_.Name like 'm%' /* @p0 */

The QueryOver code looks like this, however I can't use the DISTINCT keyword without using a projection:-

var movie = Session.QueryOver<Movie>()
  .JoinQueryOver<Actor>(m => m.ActorList).Where(a => a.Name.IsLike("m%"))
        .Add(Projections.Property<Movie>(w => w.Id))
        .Add(Projections.Property<Movie>(w => w.Name))
        .Add(Projections.Property<Movie>(w => w.Description))
        .Add(Projections.Property<Movie>(w => w.UnitPrice))
        .Add(Projections.Property<Movie>(w => w.Director))
return movie.List<Movie>();

This works returns me distinct movies where actors begin with the letter 'm'. Now the problem comes as the projection is meant for DTO's and when I iterate over the results and want to lazy load the children. For example:-

@foreach (var item in Model.ActorList)
  <li>@(item.Na开发者_JAVA技巧me) <em>plays</em> @item.Role</li>

Model.ActorList is always NULL, it appears that projecting and using a transformer loses the lazy loading as this method is designed for DTO's. What are my options?

I know I can use a sub query or HQL rather than a select distinct

Transformers.AliasToBean<Movie>() just creates a new Movie and fills in the properties. It is therefor a new Movie and not loaded from DB and therefor doesnt inherit the collection of the original Movie. AFAIK AliasToBean is to fill ViewModels etc with projected data.

Can't you just use:

  .JoinQueryOver<Actor>(m => m.ActorList).Where(a => a.Name.IsLike("m%"))

If anyone else is interested in this then please read the blog post that explains this behaviour





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