
Dumpbin warning LNK4195: unable to load msdis170.dll

I'm trying to use dumpbin with the /DISASM option to开发者_运维知识库 dump the disassembly of a file. It gives me the error LINK : warning LNK4195: unable to load msdis170.dll.

Apparently the file msdis170.dll doesn't exist on my computer. I've tried reinstalling the Windows SDK and that didn't work. So, how do I get this file?

I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, with the latest version of the Windows SDK.

Look like you are missing msdis170.dll from your PATH. Look for it on your drive and add the directory it resides in to your PATH.

set PATH=%PATH%;<directory_where_DLL_resides>
dumpbin /disasm <file_to_disassemble>

UPDATE: What version of the SDK do you have? You said latest, but what version? I know that WinSDK 7.0/7.1 comes with msdis160.dll. Where did you get your version of dumpbin.exe?

Problem solved by install Visual C++ Express Edition.

(posted as an answer on behalf of asker)





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