tqsl - result from select query to operate as variable in subqueries?
For each user, I want to produce an aggregate result. However, I keep running into the problem of the subquery returning more than 1 result.
SELECT **[user]**,
((SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM transactions
WHERE [user] = **[user]**
AND [type] = 'credit' ) -
(SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM transactions
WHERE [user] = **[user]**
开发者_如何学Go AND [type] = 'debit' ))
FROM transactions
How do I get the user
from the select
at the start to then operate as the variable user
in the subqueries?
use CASE
to simplify the summing:
SELECT user,SUM(CASE type WHEN 'credit' THEN amount WHEN 'debit' THEN -amount END)
from transactions
If credit and debit are the only valid types, then it can be simplified further as:
CASE type WHEN 'credit' THEN amount ELSE -amount END
The answers using subqueries for the summing activity, whilst still selecting user from the transactions table will perform the summation multiple times - once for every row in the transactions table - so if one user has 5 transactions, they're going to compute the sums 5 times (and show 5 result rows), which I assume you do not want.
select username,
SUM(amount * case when operation = 'credit' then 1 else -1 end) as balance
from #transaction
group by username
try this:
SELECT user,
(SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM transactions
WHERE [user] = t.User
AND [type] = 'credit')
(SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM transactions
WHERE [user] = t.User
AND [type] = 'debit' ))
FROM transactions t
or this:
SELECT user,
Sum (Case type When 'credit' then Amount End) credit,
Sum (Case type When 'debit' then Amount End) debit,
Sum (Case type When 'credit' then Amount
When 'debit' then -Amount End) NetAmount
FROM transactions t
Group By User
I like @Rubens answer, but...
Your data structure could use some work.
Actually storing the word 'credit' or 'debit' for each transaction, let alone having to evaluate it with a case statement in order to turn it into a usable value (1 or -1) is costly.
If your transaction table keeps track of quantity, then you might be able to use that instead of storing and evaluating 'credit' and 'debit'. Positive quantities (e.g., I bought 2 rakes, etc.); and Netagive quantities (e.g., -1 rake, which implies that you returned or got a credit for one of the rakes) can be summed without performing any case-statement evaluations.
SELECT t.user,
((SELECT SUM(amount) FROM transactions WHERE [user] = t.user AND [type] = 'credit' ) -
(SELECT SUM(amount) FROM transactions WHERE [user] = t.user AND [type] = 'debit' ))
FROM transactions t
A variation on @Rubens Farias's solution:
SUM(t.amount * x.factor)
FROM transactions t
SELECT 'credit', 1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'debit', -1
) x (type, factor) ON t.type = x.type
GROUP BY t.[user]