
Ruby & Google Places API: Empty fields

I'm trying to use the Google Places API (here) in a ruby on rails app. I'm using a gem called google_places (here). As far as I know the gem simply allows an easy interface to send the required HTTP requests and parse the JSON output into ruby hashes. I'm using the following code in my controller:

@client = 开发者_如何学JAVAGooglePlaces::Client.new("(my api key)")
@spotList = @client.spots(-100, 73.1957362, :radius => "5000")

And in the view, I use the following to display the places:

<%  @spotList.each do |x| %>
  <%= x.name %> <br/>
<% end %>

Now that works just fine, but if I replace x.name with x.formatted_address or x.address_components, I just get a blank page. I tried printing these fields in the log too, and I just a blank line of output. I've tried a lot of different latitudes and longitudes, and I'm getting names of banks with the current ones, which should have addresses.

I don't understand what's going on. I think I'm using the Google Places API incorrectly, since the google_places returns some other fields correctly. Can anyone please shed some light on what might be going on?

I just worked on this,

parse through @spotList and take out the reference of each place returned in response. Now, @client.spot "reference" will give you the data which contains the x.formatted_address or x.address_components.





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