How to propagate a value back to the enclosing class in Java?
I was looking at this example Oracle function from Hibernate. It tells in the solution开发者_C百科 that:
int result = call.getInt(1); // propagate this back to enclosing class
Can anyone point me to how this can be done?
Here's an example of returning a String instead of an int and propagate this back to enclosing class
String results = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().doReturningWork(
new ReturningWork<String>() {
public String execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
CallableStatement call = connection.prepareCall("{ ? = call emb_copy_tool_fc(?,?,?) }");
call.registerOutParameter( 1, Types.VARCHAR ); // or whatever it is
call.setString(2, t_order_headers_id);
call.setString(3, t_new_order_headers_id);
call.setString(4, p_by);
String result = call.getString(1); // propagate this back to enclosing class
return result;
This is talking about output parameters of Stored procedure. The link you shown, is actually calling a Stored procedure and getting the output parameter from the PrepareCall, after its been executed successfully.
For this, you need to understand how Output parameters work in SPs.