
How to use data put in an ObservableCollection class?

I am building a small program in C#. I am new to programming and and can't seem to understand how to do this. I have a ObservableCollection class and I only manage to add data to it.

 public class Destinations : ObservableCollection<Destination>
    public Destinations()
        开发者_如何学Go: base()
     { Add(new Destination("from", "to", distance, total_distance, "no reason"));
 Destinations d;
 d = new Destinations();
 destinations.ItemsSource = d;
 d.Add(new Destination(lines[i], lines[i + dim / 2], distance, dist, null));

How can I access the information I have put in the collection. I've searched through the methods and found nothing helpful. I'm sure it's my fault but please help me.

The ObservableCollection has an Indexer (aka Item property). Like an array or a list you just supply the index of the element you want to retrieve it....

Destinations d; d = new Destinations(); d.Add(new Destination(lines[i], lines[i + dim / 2], distance, dist, null));

Destination d0 = d[0];


Do you want to retrieve the items you added to the collection? You can use the indexer for that, or enumerate it in a for each, ... What is the problem which you're having?

Also, if you bind the collection to a control (i.e., a list control), the elements of the collection should be bound to the control as well.





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