
How to create indexes faster

I have a table of about 60GB and I'm trying to create an index, and its very slow (almost a day, and still running!)

I see most of the time is on Disk I/O(4MB/s), and it doesn't use the memory or cpu so much

I 开发者_运维技巧tried: running 'pragma cache_zise = 10000' and 'pragma page_zise=4000' (after I created the table), and its still doesn't help.

How can I make the 'create index' run in reasonable time?

Creating an index on a database table is a one time operation and it can be expensive based on many factors ranging from how many fields and of what type are included in the index, the size of the data table that is to be indexed, the hardware of the machine the database is running on, and possibly even more.

To give a reasonable answer on speeding things up, we would need to know the schema of the table, the definition of the index you are creating, are you reasonably sure if you are including uniqueness in your index that the data is actually unique, what are the hardware specs of your server, what are your disk speeds, how much available space on the disks, are you using a raid array, what level of raid, how much ram do you have and what is the utilization. etc...

Now all that said, this might be faster but I have not tested it.

make a structurally duplicate table of the table you wish to index. Add the index to the new empty table. copy the data from the old table to the new table in chunks. drop the old table.

My theory is that it will be less expensive to index the data as it is added than to dig through the data that is already there and add the index after the fact.

When you create table,you should create the index. PS:you should consider the index is properly.and you need not to create the index at runtime.





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