Want to concatenate three - four rows in SQL Server
Account id, team_name_product
Initially it is like this:
account id team_n开发者_如何学JAVAame_product
1 MCLO:Wyatt, Gregory (SYM, SER);
1 MCR2:Garcia, Rebecca (CRE);
1 MCR1:Gonzalez)
Across account id, I want to concatenate the 3 rows having different teams with different names of people.
Result should look like this:
Account ID,(MCLO:Wyatt, Gregory (SYM, SER); MCR2:Garcia, Rebecca (CRE); MCR1:Gonzalez)
select Y1.[account id],
stuff((select ' '+Y2.team_name_product
from YourTable as Y2
where Y1.[account id] = Y2.[account id]
for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, '') as team_name_products
from YourTable as Y1
group by Y1.[account id]