
Linq Datagrid binding from xml file

I am developing an application in wpf in which i have one datagrid. i want the columns of datagrid to be added dynamically from xml.

<Department Name='D1' TotalCapacity='5'>
  <Class Name='c1' Capacity='3'></Class>
  <Class Name='c2' Capacity='2'></Class>

<Department Name='D2' TotalCapacity='10'>
  <Class Name='c1' Capacity='5'></Class>
  <Class Name='c3' Capacity='5'></Class>

Now, based on this xml i want the datagrid to be displayed as :

DepartmentName TotalCapacity c1 c2 c3

 D1               开发者_如何学Python   5      3 2  -  

 D2                 10      5 -  5

I was curious, and haven't done what you're trying to do before, so I figured I'd give it a stab. Going through this this MSDN article on the subject, I came up with this:

        <XmlDataProvider x:Key="DepartmentData" XPath="Departments/Department">
                <Departments xmlns="">
                    <Department Name='D1' TotalCapacity='5'>
                        <Class Name='c1' Capacity='3'/>
                        <Class Name='c2' Capacity='2'/>
                    <Department Name='D2' TotalCapacity='10'>
                        <Class Name='c1' Capacity='5'/>
                        <Class Name='c3' Capacity='5'/>
    <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource DepartmentData}}" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Department Name" Binding="{Binding XPath=@Name}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Total Capacity" Binding="{Binding XPath=@TotalCapacity}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="c1">
                    <Binding XPath="Class[@Name='c1']/@Capacity"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="c2">
                    <Binding XPath="Class[@Name='c2']/@Capacity"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="c3">
                    <Binding XPath="Class[@Name='c3']/@Capacity"/>

The result:

Linq Datagrid binding from xml file

Good luck!


I just realized you asked for the columns to be dynamically added - I'm not sure there's a straightforward way to do that, seeing as your XML isn't structured in a format that lends itself to tabular display out of the box (I had to use some XPath magic to transform your XML to a flat format). Hopefully this will get you on the right path though.





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