bootstrap_look_up failed (44e) Xcode 4.1, Mac OSX Lion
So I updgraded to Lion on my Mac, which meant I had to get Xco开发者_运维知识库de 4.1. I had a location based app working and now when I try to find my location, I get this printed to the console which I have no idea what it means:
bootstrap_look_up failed (44e)
Any thoughts? Thanks.
I got the same problem. I didn't find any solution for running applications on the simulator but it seems to work if you install the application on your phone and run it from there.
@implementation CLLocationManager (TemporaryHack)
- (void)hackLocationFix
CLLocation *location = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:37.785834 longitude:-122.406417];
[[self delegate] locationManager:self didUpdateToLocation:location fromLocation:nil];
- (void)startUpdatingLocation
[self performSelector:@selector(hackLocationFix) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1];
@end SElect all code and paste in AppDelegate.m file before or after @implementation AppDelegate @end I am not a good teacher if you have any question you may ask again