how to create .exe file for windows application [closed]
I developed a application in C# Visual Studio 2010. How can I make this an .exe file to distribute it?
When you build and run the project Visual STudio automatically creates the .exe File in the Bin Folder of your project.
Create a setup project for windows app by going to Projects -> Other Project Types -> Setup and Deployment and choose Setup Project.
After creating setup project. 1) Select solution explorer, right click solution file and select Add Existing Project and then add your project. 2) After adding your project to setup project select the application folder right click then select Add -> Project Output, a new window will open, select your project from the drop down list then select Primary Output in the below window and click OK. 3) Build the solution, It will generate a .msi file in the debug folder of your setup project. In order to install this application, the client PC must have .Net Framwork installed
there is a c# compiler provided for free by microsoft. This is only if you didn't use visual studio, in the case you used VS, follow the other solutions