
Read multiple files

I'm new to c++ and am trying to alter the console app code posted below to read multiple files, ideally using a wildcard extension. Ca开发者_开发问答n some please give me some pointers..?



What I need is how to change the code above instead of pointing it to a specific [filename.log] point it to a directory name and let it process all the log files in that directory.


Win32 Console Application project in Visual Studio 2010 in C++

[To be run on win 32 bit platform]

Using Win32 APIs you can list the files in a directory by following this example. From there it should be relatively trivial for you to incorporate that code into your application to allow you to process multiple files as requested.

Specifically the FindFirstFile API allows for wildcard when search for files.

If you're willing to use the boost library check out this post. If you're using something like C++/CLI then there is support in .NET for this as well (I'm assuming for now you're not using C++/CLI). If you specify the tools at your disposal maybe you can get a more directed answer.





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