
Setting File Associations with ClickOnce

When setting up a File Association for my App with ClickOnce I run into an issue. I'm using the Properties > Publish > Options > File Associations method. The issue is that when I try to set the default icon for that file I get the "Icon is not set to be published with the application, or is not part of the required download group" error. After some searching I seem to be stuck. How does one set up an association, and more specifically how do you add an icon to the project and开发者_Go百科 reference it in the File Association manager?

Make sure that your icon file is part of the Application Files (Publish > Application Files). In my case I needed to change the type of the icon file to 'Content' and then it showed up in the list of Application Files. Then I was able to specify the file association without any errors.





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