Convert datetime in to epoch using awk piped data
I've a tab delimited log file that has date time in format '2011-07-20 11:34:52' in the first two columns:
An example line from the log file is:
2011-07-20 11:34:15 LHR3 1488 GET /1010.gif 200 - Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%206.1;%20rv:5.0)%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/5.0 T=F&Event=SD&MID=67&AID=dc37bcff-70ec-419a-ad43-b92d6092c9a2&VID=8&ACID=36&ENV=demo-2&E=&P=Carousel&C=3&V=3
I'm trying to convert the date time to epoch using just awk:
cat logfile.log | grep 1010.gif | \
awk '{ print $1" "$2" UTC|"$5"|"$10"|"$11"|"$12 }' | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"};{system ("date -d \""$1"\" +%s" ) | getline myvar}'
So this gets me some way, in that it gets me epoch less three 000's on the end - however i'm just getting the o开发者_开发百科utput of the system command - where as i really want to substitute $1 with the epoch time.
I'm aiming for the following output:
<epoch time>|$5|$10|$11|$12
I've tried just using:
cat logfile.log | grep 1010.gif | awk '{ print d };' "d=$(date +%s -d"$1")"
But this just gives me blank rows.
Any thoughts.
This assumes gawk -- can't do any timezone translation though, strictly local time.
... | gawk '
BEGIN {OFS = "|"}
split($1, d, "-")
split($2, t, ":")
epoch = mktime(d[1] " " d[2] " " d[3] " " t[1] " " t[2] " " t[3])
print epoch, $5, $10, $11, $12