
What is the most likely cause for FF and Chrome breaking a layout?

The problem

I've come across a "featured articles" section of a WordPress driven website the renders as expected in the current versions Opera, Safari and IE6+ but breaks in the current versions of Chrome and FF.

The web开发者_JAVA百科site

The website can be viewed here. The "featured article" section is visible at the top of the home page.

What I've tried

I've used firebug and screened the code through the W3C validation. Though there are numerous errors nothing jumps out at me as the cause.

Additional information

I've been told that the code renders consistently across all browsers on a Mac but not on PC's.

What I need

Though I do not represent the website nor am I working on it I simply want to understand why the cross-browser issue is occurring.

If the page isn't valid then a browser will try its best to fix it before rendering. In chrome you can view console output and it can tell you how it chose to fix problems. It really isn't worth investigating the why as each browser's development team will choose to solve problems in different ways. Now if the page is valid and they render differently it would be useful to know why.





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