
PHP CLI process not terminating when done

I have this in one PHP file:

echo shell_exec('nohup /usr/bin/php -f '.CRON_DIRECTORY.'testjob.php > /dev/null 2>&1 &');

and in testjob.php I have:

file_put_contents('test.tx开发者_开发问答t',time()); exit;

And it all runs just dandy. However if I go to processes it's not terminating testjob.php after it runs.

(Having to post this as an answer instead of comment as stackoverflow still won't let me post comments...)

Works for me. I made testjob.php exactly as described, and another file test.php with just the given line (except I removed CRON_DIRECTORY, because testjob.php was in the same directory for me).

To be sure I was measuring correctly, I added "sleep(5)" at the top of testjob.php, and in another window I have:

watch 'ps a |grep php'

running. This happens:

  1. I run test.php
  2. test.php exits immediately but testjob.php appears in my list
  3. After 5 seconds it disappears.

I wondered if shell might matter, so I switched from bash to sh. Same result.

I also wondered if it might be because your outer script is long-running. So I put "sleep(10)" at the bottom of test.php. Same result (i.e. testjob.php finishes after 5 seconds, test.php finishes 5 seconds after that).

So, unhelpfully, your problem is somewhere other than the code you've posted.

Remove & from the end of your command. This symbol says nohup to continue running in background, thus shell_exec is waiting for task to complete... and waiting... and waiting... till the end of times ;)

I don't even understan why would you perform this command with nohup.

echo shell_exec('/usr/bin/php -f '.CRON_DIRECTORY.'testjob.php > /dev/null 2>&1');

should be enough.

You're executing PHP and make that execution a background task. That means it will run in background until it is finished. shell_exec will not kill that process or something similar.

You might want to set an execution limit, PHP cli has a setting of unlimited by default. See as well set_time_limit PHP Manual;

So if you wonder why the php process does not terminate, you need to debug the script. If that's too complicated and you're unable to find out why the script runs that long, you might just want to terminate the process after some time, e.g. 1 minute.





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