
Is there a javascript function that takes a string as input and parse that string asif it is HTML and return me the according element?

Is there a javascript function that takes a string as input and 开发者_如何学Pythonparse that string asif it is HTML and return me the according element?

example: F("<div id='outer'><div id='inner'><span hello></span></div></div>") will return me a div HTMLElement that have a child div which in turn has a span child.

No there is no such function. But you can use jQuery $("<div id='outer'><div id='inner'><span hello></span></div></div>") which will do what you want.

Here is a very simple plain javascript solution :


function returnTheNodes(htmlStr)
var myCont = document.createElement('DIV'); // create a div element
myCont.innerHTML = htmlStr; // create its children with the string 
return myCont.childNodes;  // return the children elements created :)


var newElems = returnTheNodes("<div id='outer'><div id='inner'><span hello></span></div></div>");

for(var i = 0; i < newElems.length ; i++ )
 alert(newElems[i].id); // newElems[0] has the first DIV


And what about DOMParser? Here is an example:

var str = '<div id="outer"><div id="inner"><span> hello</span></div></div>';

function parseStringToDOMElement (str)
    var xmlDoc = null;
    if (window.DOMParser)
        var parser = new DOMParser ();
        xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString (str, "text/xml");
    else if (window.ActiveXObject)
        xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
        xmlDoc.async = false;
        xmlDoc.loadXML (str);
    return xmlDoc.firstChild;


var node=parseStringToDOMElement(str);

I hope it will be helpfull





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