
limit number of listbox items to be displayed on load, programmatically

I have a Silverlight 2.0 listbox which reads in data from a custom list @ SharePoint 2007. How may i limit the number of items to be displayed on load of Page.xaml?

Here i have @ Page.xaml.cs:

private void ProcessResponse()
            XDocument results = XDocument.Parse(_responseString);

            _StaffNews = (from item in results.Descendants(XName.Get("row", "#RowsetSchema"))

                        //where !item.Element("NewsThumbnail").Attribute("src").Value.EndsWith(".gif")
                        select new StaffNews()
                        {              开发者_JAVA技巧     
                            Title = item.Attribute("ows_Title").Value,
                            NewsBody = item.Attribute("ows_NewsBody").Value,
                            NewsThumbnail = FormatImageUrl(item.Attribute("ows_NewsThumbnail").Value),
                            DatePublished = item.Attribute("ows_Date_Published").Value,
                            PublishedBy = item.Attribute("ows_PublishedBy").Value,
            this.DataContext = _StaffNews;
            //NewsList.SelectedIndex = -1;            

You can put .Take(20) behind ToList() to take only 20 items from the list.

Take method allows you to set a limit on the items. It will only iterate the collection until the max count is reached. You can just use it instead of ToList() or in case of _StaffNews is defined as List<T>, just combine them .Take(items).ToList();

private void ProcessResponse()
            var items = 10;
            XDocument results = XDocument.Parse(_responseString);

            _StaffNews = (from item in results.Descendants(XName.Get("row", "#RowsetSchema"))

                    //where !item.Element("NewsThumbnail").Attribute("src").Value.EndsWith(".gif")
                    select new StaffNews()
                        Title = item.Attribute("ows_Title").Value,
                        NewsBody = item.Attribute("ows_NewsBody").Value,
                        NewsThumbnail = FormatImageUrl(item.Attribute("ows_NewsThumbnail").Value),
                        DatePublished = item.Attribute("ows_Date_Published").Value,
                        PublishedBy = item.Attribute("ows_PublishedBy").Value,
            this.DataContext = _StaffNews;
            //NewsList.SelectedIndex = -1;            




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